Ekyam Impact Foundation
Project FaujiMitra
The work condition and life in the military is full of risks and challenges. A perfectly fit active duty person suddenly becomes disabled while performing duty for nation and have to learn a new way of living. There are frequent transfers which need to get adjusted to new facilities and living conditions. Following are some of the aspects of military life which needs special societal consideration and support:

There are a large number of military personnel who are disabled due to military action and in performance of their regular duties. While the physical aspects of the disability can be treated with medical care, some of the socio-psychological aspects need comprehensive efforts closer to the place where the veterans settle after retirement. Military organisations that are not geared to address all the needs at every place. Many veterans with disabilities are capable of employment but find themselves unemployed or under-employed as they may not find suitable opportunities in the location where they settle or relocate due to their disability. Sometimes these personnel need specialised training/reskilling for suitable jobs. While military organisations may have limited capability and facility to support a large number of veterans, there exists a reasonable ecosystem of organisations/ NGOs working for disabled. These organisations have fairly good capability, infrastructures and resources to address some of the challenges of the disabled veterans. ​
There are 42 Special Schools being managed by three services in different cities and two vocational training centres for those above 18 years. These institutes provide education, vocational training, basic therapy and other support to the students and parents . These institutes are also open to local population on availability basis. Due to the nature of the job, service personnel are frequently transferred and the family members with disability have to move to a new location and again struggle to accommodate to the new environment and infrastructure. Due to changing profile of the students , there are constraints of infrastructure, facilities ,specialized support and resources in some of the institutes.
Project FaujiMitra by Ekyam Impact Foundation (e-Impact) - helps Military Veterans with Disability and Children with Special Needs of Military Personnel in accessing counselling, mentoring, training and suitable employment opportunities by leveraging collaboration between existing organizations working in the Disability Sector.