Ekyam Impact Foundation
Creating Impact Together!

Ekyam is derived from the Sanskrit word "Ekam" which means One or Unity. Ekyam means bringing all together for one purpose.
Ekyam Impact Foundation (e-Impact) is a social purpose organization working in the area of Persons with Disability and Livelihood leveraging power of collaboration.

25+ NGO Partners

40 Senior
Sector Leaders

Social Sector
HR Collaborative
Our Initiatives
Social Sector is a significant contributor for livelihood and employment specially at grassroot level. Given the size, magnitude and impact of the sector there is not enough recognition and appreciation of the contribution and effort of the sector on the livelihood and economy of the country. Even within the social sector the focus is to highlight the impact created to the beneficiaries, often overlooking the impact on the workers and employees.
The challenges of hiring and talent management in the non-profit sector are complex and multifaceted, encompassing issues related to recruitment, team capacity and the alignment of roles with candidates' expectations. Most non-profit leaders acknowledge that talent management is one of the biggest challenges they face in building organisational capability and capacity.
While organisations face the challenge of not finding the right candidates, qualified applicants struggle to find the ideal opportunities to unlock the next step in their journey as impact makers and contributors to social good.
ImpactHire would help nonprofits in improving efficiency and quality of hiring and help social sector professional, crossover candidates and fellows in accessing better opportunities and resources for improving capability.
According to World Health Organisation, Persons with Disabilities (PwD) make up the largest minority group in the world, numbering close to 1.3 billion, or 15% of the total population. As per 2011 Indian census, there are 2.68 crore PwDs in the country; among these, 1.34 crore are of employable age, but the bulk 99 lakh are either unemployed or marginal workers.

​One profession where disability is a regular occupational risk is military service. A Large number of perfectly fit military personnel become disabled in performance of their duties to the nation. There are over a lakh military personnel in India who are disabled in some way. Due to challenging work conditions and frequent transfers military personnel with disability and Children with Special Needs of military personnel need different considerations and approach for rehabilitation, medical support, counselling, vocational training, employment training and suitable job opportunities.
​Our focused initiative leverages the existing ecosystem partners in providing support to disabled veterans and Children with Special Needs of Military Personnel.
Project FaujiMitra by Ekyam Impact Foundation (e-Impact) - supports Military Veterans with Disability (MVD) and Children with Special Needs(CWSN) of Military Personnel in accessing resources , counselling, mentoring, training and suitable employment opportunities. This initiative would impact 60 thousand MVDs and CWSN.

What We Offer
Leverage power of collective to improve livelihood opportunities and bring organizations and people TOGETHER